
Prison Ministry Team Report

Ron Pile

UUS’s nascent Prison Ministry Team (PMT) “endeavors to become informed advocates for justice and build relationships to decrease isolation of those confined in the Iowa Justice System.” We are exploring several possible ways to accomplish our mission, and are excited about our progress.

One of the main ways we are currently active is in our Pen Pal program. We have several members who are writing to incarcerated individuals, either by “snail mail” or through the Iowa Department of Corrections’ email system, CorrLinks. We are always looking for volunteers who would like to write to someone currently incarcerated. We can set you up with contacts, instructions for using CorrLinks, how to use postal mail, and even a sample introductory letter to use or modify as you see fit. If you think you might be interested, feel free to email prisonministry@uusic.org, and one of us will get back to you.

Did you know that the UUA also has a prison ministry? It’s through the Church of the Larger Fellowship, and it’s called Worthy Now Prison Ministry Network. They also are looking for people to become pen pals to incarcerated individuals nationwide. For more information, go to worthynow.org.

The UUS Prison Ministry Team meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the UUS Conference Room. We would love to see you on November 7th either in person or via Zoom. 

To join us via Zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84808424430?pwd=c2t3MG8zRms5eXdEYWJyWHBDRC9iUT09

(Meeting ID: 848 0842 4430; Passcode: 193553).

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