
Covenant Groups

Philip Beck
In our October gatherings, group members discussed different ways of understanding “generosity.” Perhaps most commonly we think of it as performing an act of kindness, doing a favor for someone, whether stranger or friend, that we didn’t have to do.  But generosity can certainly mean much more than that, can go further and deeper, challenge us to truly give of ourselves–our time, our effort, our comfort.  It can call for sacrifice on our parts, taking ourselves out of our comfort zones to help others.  Which can also do something important for us–even to the point of transforming us.  And it has two sides as well–sometimes a great act of generosity is allowing others to do something for us, being willing to receive a gift that’s meaningful for someone to give.  What does generosity mean to you?  What does it feel like, as both giver or receiver of a generous act, and how might the presence of generosity in your life have changed you?

If questions like these intrigue you, you might be ready to join a covenant group. The covenant group program offers its members the opportunity to share their views and deepen their understanding of a wide range of issues while creating closer ties with other UUs.  You can learn more about the program and how to join a group by contacting Jan Locher (354- 6260, locherj@mchsi.com).

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