Circle of Friends Holiday Outreach

Guatemalan Weavings Available after December Services in
Fellowship Hall
Griselda, part of our Circle of Friends families, will be selling her
weavings and her items she has made in the Fellowship Hall after the
service on December 3rd and Dec 10th. She will have purses, table
runners, tablecloths, coin purses, scarves, wall hangings, Christmas
decorations, potholders, beadwork, and more. Custom orders are available.
Circle of Friends Holiday Gift Opportunities
Every year our congregation supports several immigrant and refugee
families during the holidays with gifts for children and gift cards for the
parents. Click on the link for the signup genius to participate:
46263997-holiday#/. The suggested amount of gift cards is between $25.00 and $50.00. Please bring gifts and cards to UUS on Sunday morning or leave them in the foyer in the designated box. Please label your gifts and gift cards with your name. Gift cards can be put in the black security box in the foyer or delivered to Deb Schoelerman. Please do so by Sunday, December 17th.
Thank you for your continued generosity for these families.