Chili Cook Off A Success!
October saw many ups and downs as far as weather, with multiple days in the 80s, and less than a week before our Chili Cook Off it was still reaching the 70s.
Who wants to eat chili when it’s SEVENTY degrees outside?!
Luckily, the weather cooperated and our days got significantly cooler just in time for eight large pots of chili to be carried into the Fellowship Hall on the morning of October 30th. People streamed into the hall after service on Sunday, ready to fill their bellies with the warmth and comfort of home-cooked chili.
The contestants and their chili (recipes linked for those available):
1. Mama Steil’s Chili – John Ruppel
2. Sweet Potato Black Bean Chili – Sally Hartman
3. Vegetarian Butternut Squash Chipotle Chili – Pete Brokaw
4. Sisters’ Chili – Rev. Diana Smith
5. Black Bean Chili Mole – Kelly O’Berry
6. Some Like It Hot Sweet Tater Chili – Nicole Johnson
7. Q’s Community Chili – Quanda Hood
8. Amy’s Triumphant Comfort Chili – Amy Fretz

Our judges took their jobs very seriously and ranked each chili on appearance, aroma, texture, and flavor. Each judge ranked each chili on each element and then the scores were tallied.
John’s Mama Steil’s Chili came in third place and Quanda’s Q’s Community Chili took second.
In first place was Amy Fretz and her Triumphant Comfort Chili!
Thank you to our amazing kitchen team! Carolyn Johnson, Marta Little, Kelly O’Berry, John Lanaghan, and Carol Throckmorton did a stellar job and we couldn’t have had this event without their work. Thank you!
Thank you to all of our contestants, volunteers, and everyone who enjoyed the delicious chili lunch! We look forward to building deeper connections with you again soon.