Victoria Huitt, Membership Coordinator

Hello, I am Victoria (she/her)
I recently joined the UUS as part-time Membership Coordinator. I will be working with visitors and those new to UUS as they consider membership and membership associates who staff the welcome table each Sunday – we have a great team! I keep up with all members to ensure they are connected to groups and activities that are meaningful to them here at UUSIC. As one of the newest members, I am enjoying getting to know the congregation who have been so warm and welcoming and I look forward to coming in every Sunday.
I am a recent transplant from Minneapolis. I was attracted to Iowa City because of Prairie Hill Cohousing and moved in there the same week I was hired here at the church. I recently retired from a long career as an acupuncturist and was looking for change in all regards of my life; smaller community, different work. I downsized to a 655 sq foot home with my two 4 legged cat companions, Jack and Lucy. I enjoy gardening, biking, live music, reading and exploring this new place and people.