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UUS Endowment Holdings: Fiscal Year 2023

From your Endowment Committee:

We are pleased to present this annual summary report of UUS Endowment holdings. The accompanying table is meant to show much of what you may be interested in, and if it brings up more questions, please contact any member of the Endowment Committee.

General Endowment Total Value$1,037,301$1,067,813
UUA Contribution$745$1,189
Non-Corpus Total2$344,806$279,486
Expenditures from General Endowment3$114,234$95,780
Annual Spending Allowance (ASA)4$65,484$51,780
Endowment-Approved Withdrawal5$48,750$44,000
Other Endowment Funds Value6$153,800$156,390
Other Endowment Funds Expenditures
Jean Reese Fund0$14,501
Music Fund00
Detiger Fund$2114$500
Bristol Fund00

1 Can be accessed under very special circumstances
2 May be accessed by vote of the congregation
3 This amount will vary depending on the last business day of the month
4 Amount contributed to the annual budget
5 Amount approved by the congregation above the ASA6 Earmarked for special purposes, e.g., music, outdoor projects.

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