October Sunday Services

October 1st: Growing Our Story
Join us as UUS members Mary Kathryn Wallace, Carol Nordquist, and Peg Bouska share stories of how UUS has supported them in their journeys and how they’re helping UUS grow our story.

October 8th: Love’s Hands: Covenant and Community
Guest speaker CB Beal will return to us and continue the theme of being Love’s Hands in the world by exploring how we respond to the Call of Love as part of a community in covenant one with another.

October 15th: Generosity
The draft text for the proposed new Unitarian Universalist value of Gratitude reads: “We cultivate a spirit of gratitude and hope. We covenant to freely and compassionately share our faith, presence, and resources. Our generosity connects us to one another in relationships of interdependence and mutuality.” Join us for an all-ages worship service where we’ll explore what this could mean and how it could help us grow as Unitarian Universalists. After the worship service, we will have all ages religious education. Each month on the 3rd Sunday, after our All Ages worship service, there will be at least three diverse activities to choose from that will engage participants in the theme for the month: a discussion; an art, craft, or hands-on activity; and a music, meditation, and more activity. Rev. Diana Smith preaching.

October 22nd: Cultivating Compassion, Making Space
How can each of us, whatever our circumstances, help cultivate a community where we cultivate and express care and compassion for each other in ways small and large? Join us as we celebrate cultivating compassion and care, and celebrate a new member welcome ceremony! Rev. Diana Smith preaching.

October 29th: Honoring Our Ancestors, Becoming Ancestors
We carry many ancestors with us, both those whose of blood and those of spirit. Join us for the all ages worship service as we celebrate the strength, hope, and resources that our ancestors give us, even as we reflect on their struggles. What do we hope to learn from our ancestors’ lives that will help us become good ancestors? Please bring photos or small mementos of loved ones who have died to add to our table of remembrance. Rev. Diana Smith preaching.

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