
From Your Worship Associates: Summer Services Opportunity

By Quanda Hood and Kara Beauchamp

Offer Your Heart, Mind, and Spirit for our Summer Lay-Led Services

Every summer the Worship Associates plan and help deliver a series of lay-led services. Our summer lay-lead services often focus on a theme, but this summer we are asking you to consider sharing something you have been reflecting on. We imagine this call as expansive, invitational, and potentially experimental, and we welcome both longer reflections/sermons (15-18 minutes; 2000-2350 words)) and experiences paired with shorter reflections (7-12 minutes; 900-1550 words).

Would you be interested in offering a sermon for one of our summer Sunday services? Please consider how you might share any experiences or understanding from your own life and learning. We want to hear from a wide variety of UU members — older/younger, abled/differently abled, LGBTQIA, working/retired, parenting, partnered/single.

Sunday Service Information:

The summer Sundays that will be lay-led are June 30 – Aug 11, not including services on July 14 and 28, which will be led by Rev. Diana. Summer services are from 10-11 am on Sundays and are multiplatform, with both in-person and online congregants. A Worship Associate will partner with you in leading the service and can help take care of any standard portions of the service (e.g., Welcome, Chalice Lighting, Offering). The typical presentation time available for you will be 20 minutes total, which would include any readings or experiential activities (e.g., a drawing, writing, or conversation activity – a worship associate can help you design something to fit with your proposed service) you might want to do in addition to a reflection or presentation.

Instructions:  Please complete this form to the best of your ability. The Worship Associates Team will follow up with any questions, clarifications, or responses to your proposal.  Feel free to reach out to Kara Beauchamp or Rev. Diana. We will follow up with submitters by May 17th.  Our goal is to have more proposals than available Sundays. If that happens, some proposals will be accepted, and some will not be. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to resubmit ideas (or develop new ones!) for future summer services.  

Please complete this summer service proposal form and share your stories, your thoughts and your insights to help us plan the summer program. The deadline for proposing a summer service is Friday, May 3 at 5 pm.


THANK YOU. Thank you for taking the time to propose a service and consider sharing your story with the UUS community. 

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