Green Sanctuary News
We had a great time at November’s All Ages RE talking about sustainable gift giving and making origami presents – swans, stars, and gift boxes. Green Sanctuary’s theme for the December 17 All Ages RE is Food. Adults can learn about cooking with an energy efficient induction cook top. Children will learn how to cut fruit safely for their own snack.
Thanks to all who have filled out Green Sanctuary’s Climate Justice Survey! We have had almost 100 responses so far. The survey is part of our reaccreditation as a UU Green Sanctuary Congregation. We will use the results to guide which activities and projects to take on over the next few years. If you didn’t get a chance to fill out a survey, go to Climate Justice Survey or click the link above. Please submit responses by December 15th.

UUS members and friends joined team Swine Republic UUs in this year’s Drawdown Ecochallenge. Under the leadership of Sally Hartman, 27 participants earned over 4400 points to rank 38 out of 381 teams. We scored with 184 meatless or vegan meals, 32 miles traveled by bike, over 1000 minutes spent learning, 608 minutes spent outdoors, plus saving water, planting trees, contacting officials, recycling containers, making donations and replacing lightbulbs. Look for the challenge again in October 2024 and help beat this year’s score!
For your convenience, the Green Sanctuary Team has a box in the entrance to dispose of used and recyclable Christmas and other holiday lights. The collection box will be available until January 1, 2024.
Green Sanctuary’s next meeting is Wednesday, December 13 at 7 pm. Join us on Zoom at Meeting ID: 881 3226 4216. Passcode 533092. On the agenda: Climate Justice Survey results, 3rd Sunday All Ages RE planning, battery back-up for a Resiliency Center, choosing a composting service, and communications. If you would like to learn more about Green Sanctuary, email Sally Hartman at or Jan Weaver at