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Upcoming Religious Education and Faith Development Opportunities

Nic Kaplan, director of lifespan religious education

Beginning April 7th, there will be a new opportunity for religious education, faith development, and community building.

“Lunch then Learn” is a series we are testing out for the month of April and the first Sunday in May.  Everyone is invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall after service for lunch each week.  Lunch will be “hosted” by different groups each week and will be offered for a freewill donation.  Donations exceeding the cost of the meal will be given to the various host groups.  For example, when the UUS youth group serves a pizza lunch one week, all the extra donations will go to the Teen Reserve Fund.

The workshops and classes will also vary from week to week in time, topic, and format.  For instance, CUUPS will be doing a kimekomi make-and-take activity and our music director, Emily Pritchard, will be leading an all ages drumming workshop.  Land Ministry will be outside with us one week, teaching us about tree and plant identification and Green Sanctuary is bringing in a speaker.

If you are in the process of working on your Pathways to Membership “bingo card,” these sessions can count toward the “take a class or workshop at UUS” boxes under the column “Embrace the ongoing quest for meaning.”

Rev. Diana will be leading our first Lunch then Learn session on April 7th with a workshop about using our attention and awareness as a spiritual practice.  She will be sharing the science with us behind attention and giving us opportunities to practice “Noticing in a New Way.”

We are still in need of two groups to host a lunch.  If you are interested, please contact our Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Nic Kaplan, at education@uusic.org

Stay tuned to the Weekly Email for more information about all of our sessions and lunches.  We look forward to learning and growing together with you.

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