
New Year, Same Mission: Free Lunch in January

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Vicki Siefers

On a chilly Friday in January, an industrious group of UUs met at the kitchen on Gilbert Court and cooked up batches of beef stew and vegetable stew. Frank Wildensee was the chef and we were fortunate to have donated arm roast from the pantry meaning we only had to purchase the vegetables for the stew, making it a very economical meal. Assisting with chopping, mixing up of stew and salads, serving the food, and cleaning up were: Star Wojciak, Bonnie Penno, Mark Penno, Dick Siefers, Juli Statton, Carolyn Johnson, John and Virginia Stamler, Gay Mikelson, Emma Light, Terri O’Berry, Janet McKee, Cynthia Crawford, Caryl Lyons, Gare Calhoun, and Gary Lawrenson.

92 meals were served in the dining room and there was enough stew left for 15 take out meals. Those bringing food for the salads and cookies were: Winnie Ganshaw, Star Wojciak, Barb Haring, Janet McKee, Laurie Cubit, Mark and Bonnie Penno, and Frank Wildensee.

Next month’s meal will fall on February 14, Valentine’s Day. The menu will be chicken tenders donated by a restaurant, loaded cole slaw, and macaroni and cheese. The Roots and Wings covenant group will be making cupcakes for the meal to celebrate Valentine’s Day. If you would like to receive the Sign Up Genius to volunteer to help email freelunch@uusic.org and ask to get on the list. We are also always looking for sponsors for the main dish. Coming up we will have Jeanette Carter and Bonnie Penno sponsoring in the spring.

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